Os yw 'ngofidiau yn y byd
Os yw'n gofidiau yn y byd

1,(2,3),4;  1,2,4,(5).
(Byr ysgafn Gystudd - 2 Cor.4.17.)
Os yw'n gofidiau yn y byd
  I bara hyd y diwedd,
O fewn y nef fe dderfydd hyn,
  Troir tristwch yn orfoledd.

Pwy fwya' gawn o wres y dydd,
  Mwy yno fydd ein moliant;
Cawn yn lle'n
    cystudd byr a'n crwys
  Dragwyddol bwys gogoniant.

Fe orfu'n teithio, nid o'n bodd,
  Trwy filo'dd o flinderau;
Ganwaith bu'n tyb
    na ddoen' uwch nen
  Byth, byth i ben ein siwrnai.

Ni orffwyswn mwy,
    nes dringo'n llawn
  I'r man y cawn breswylio,
I'r lan i ben y tawel fryn
  Mae miloedd yn disgleirio.

Aneirif dorf, a chyson gôr
  Angylion o'r disgleiria',
Seraffiaid pur, a saint ynghyd
  Sy'n canu i gyd Hosanna.

F'enaid blinedig yn eu plith
  Yn dawel byth 'gaiff orffwys,
'N ôl teithio 'ngwres
    yr haul a'r dydd,
  Y nefoedd fydd yn felys.

Pryd hyn pereiddia Duw o'r bron
  Holl chwerwon ddyfroedd Mara;
Pryd hyn y try pob chwerw nant
  Yn win i blant Jehofa.

O! am yr awr i mi gael mynd
  I gôl fy ffrind anwyla',
I roi ffarwél i'r byd a'i bla
  Dan ganu Haleliwia.

             - - - - -
      1,(2,3),4;  1,2,4,(5).

Os yw'n gofidiau yn y byd
  I bara hyd y diwedd,
O fewn y nef fe dderfydd hyn -
  Troir tristwch yn orfoledd.

Po fwyaf gawn o wres y dydd,
  Mwy yno fydd ein moliant;
Cawn, yn lle'n cystudd byr,
    a'n crwys,
  Dragwyddol bwys gogoniant.

Ymysg y dyrfa fawr ddilyth
  Ein henaid byth gaiff orphwys;
Nôl teithio 'ngwres
    yr haul a'r dydd,
  Mor felus fydd Paradwys!

Pryd hyn pereiddia Duw o'r bron 
  Holl chwerwon ddyfroedd Mara;
Pryd hyn y try pob chwerw nant
  Yn win i blant Jehofah!

Po fwyaf fo'u cyfyngder hwy,
  Bydd fwy fwy eu cysuron;
Eu hedd melusach na'r dil mêl,
  A lifa fel yr afon.
Os yw'n gofidiau :: Os yw 'ngofidiau
Troir tristwch :: Troi'r tristwch
Pa fwyaf :: Po fwyaf

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Altona (As Hymnodus Sacer 1625)
Arenig (W K Briegel 1626-1723)
Cambria (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
  Gwen (J T Rees 1857-1949)
Langdale (Edwin Moss 1838-1919)
Llandeilo (Hymnau yr Eglwys 1921)
Llangranog (John Parry )
Myllin (<1835)
Rhuthyn (B M Williams 1832-1903)
St Columba (hen alaw Wyddelig)
St Iago (Owen H Davies 1828-98)

B'le tro(f) fy wyneb Arglwydd cu
Nid oes heb ollwng gaed yn lli

(Short, light Affliction - 2 Cor 4:17)
If our griefs in the world are
  To continue until the end,
Within heaven these shall vanish,
  Sadness is to be turned to jubilation.

The more we get of the heat of the day,
  The greater there shall be our praise;
We may get in place of our
    short afflictions and our crosses
  An eternal weight of glory.

It forces us to travel, not willingly,
  Through thousands of griefs;
A hundred times we supposed
    we would not come above the sky
  Ever, ever to our journey's end.

Let us not rest any more,
    until climbing fully
  To the place where we may reside,
Up to the summit of the quiet hill
  Where thousands are shining.

An unnumbered throung, and a constant choir
  Of angels of the most shining,
Pure seraphim, and saints together
  Who are all singing Hosanna.

My weary soul among them
  Quietly forever shall get to rest,
After travelling in the heat
    of the sun and the day,
  Heaven shall be sweet.

Then shall God sweeten completely
  All the bitter waters of Marah;
Then shall every bitter stream turn
  Into wine for the children of Jehovah.

O for the hour for me to get to go
  To the bosom of my dearest friend!
To bid farewell to the world and its plague
  While singing Hallelujah.

                - - - - -

If our griefs in the world are
  To continue until the end
Within heaven these shall vanish -
  Sadness is to be turned to jubilation.

The more we get of the heat of the day,
  The greater there shall be our praise;
We may get in place of our short affliction,
    and our cross,
  An eternal weight of glory.

Amongst the great unfailing throng
  Our soul shall forever get rest;
After travelling in the heat
    of the sun and the day,
How sweet shall be Paradise!

Then shall God sweeten utterly
  All the bitter waters of Mara;
Then shall turn every bitter stream
  To wine for the children of Jehovah.

The greater be their straits,
  Even greater shall be their comforts;
Their peace sweeter than the comb of honey,
  Shall flow like the river.
If our griefs ... are :: If my griefs ... are
Sadness is to be turned :: The sadness will turn
The more :: However much more

tr. 2015,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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